- Plasma FreshPRP KIT
- Full Extraction KitMedical glass tube23G sharp extraction needleThixotropic gelSodium Citrate anti-coagulant
- Why PRP Therapy?Improves Skin TexureMinimizes WrinklesTreats Acne Scars
- Contians an anticoagulant
- Inhibits platelet aggregation
- Class II medical device
- Plasma can be injected back
- Contains a thixotropic gel
Plasma Fresh is an innovative and high quality medical product - one of the best PRP kits available on the market. Made in Germany, this is a prime quality Platelet Rish Plasma extraction kit, created using the latest medical technologies. It enables doctors and beauty specialists to perform a highly effective PRP therapy on patients, injecting them with a special complex of vitamins, proteins and hormones, combined with platelets.
The tube of the PRP kit is made of borosilicate medical class and is vacuum sealed, ensuring that the treatment is efficient and with noticeable results, without any risk for the patient's health. The overall result of PRP treatment is an enhanced cell regeneration and boost of the body's natural tissue repair properties.

Buy a professional Platelet-Rich Plasma extraction kit, now!
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Why Plasma Fresh?
When choosing a reliable PRP kit, one should always seek for a product that comes with a long list of benefits. This is a field in which Plasma Fresh excels over its competitors on the market. The properly licensed Platelet-Rich Plasma extraction kit has many advantages which are hard to ignore. This is a product that takes PRP treatments to a whole new level by helping medical experts to do their job in an easier, safer, faster and more effective manner and patients by ensuring that they receive a top-notch Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy.
An all-in-one kit
Plasma Fresh offers convenience and efficiency since it is an all-in-one kit. This means that this product packs everything necessary for a certified medical professional to carry out every phase of the PRP therapy treatment. The package contains:
- A butterfly 23G needle that contributes for a fast, painless and hassle-free extraction
- Sodium Citrate – an excellent anticoagulant which stabilizes the blood and prevents platelets from clumping
- State-of-the-art vacuum tube designed to effectively prevent cell loss and air contamination
- A thixotropic gel which separates the plasma from the cells
This groundbreaking PRP kit can be used not only for plasma extraction but also for injecting the extracted product into the patient.

Made of premium-quality materials
Every little part and component of this top-notch product is made of materials of the highest possible quality that were manufactured through the use of new-generation technology and methods. The Plasma Fresh tube, for example, is made of sturdy glass that offers optimal transparency and fully prevents contamination or cell loss. The butterfly needle, on the other hand, is pyrogen-free and very sharp. The latter contributes to a speedier and more painless Platelet-Rich Plasma extraction process. Compared to regular needles, the butterfly needles are suitable even for patients who have superficial, poorly-accessible or thin veins.
An affordable solution
Even though this professional PRP kit offers high quality, it is available at a very moderate price. That gives it an extra competitive edge and it even makes platelet-rich plasma treatments accessible to a wider group of patients. The fact that this product can be used for both PRP extraction and plasma injection means that it offers more value for its price.
Simplicity above all
Using Plasma Fresh PRP Kit for skin therapy is an easy and swift process. With a tested and trusted product like this one, cosmetic and medical experts are able to perform more PRP extraction procedures in a short amount of time. At the same time, the kit can be used for a vast range of PRP therapies (skin rejuvenation, soft-tissue injury treatments, hair restoration procedures, etc.).
Consistent results every single time
This kit has a Class II medical certification. This means that is was produced to function as indicated and without exposing patients to any health risks. Class II medical devices are also held to a higher standard which is why you can expect nothing short of consistency, accuracy, and efficiency from an innovative Platelet-Rich Plasma kit such as Plasma Fresh. With it, you will get a high concentration of platelets even with just one round in the centrifuge.

PRP facial treatment
PRP is injected into the skin of the patient using a high-quality needle. PRP injection is a localized method of treatment that allows rejuvenation and treatment of the skin in a desired area. What sets PRP treatment apart from other, more traditional methods, is that the plasma is extracted from the patient themselves and then isolated and injected back into the body in the form of a highly concentrated Platelet-Rich Plasma serum. They key point to such treatment is inducing collagen production into the skin, which has benefits from both health and aesthetical point of view. As an added bonus – no downtime of the patient is necessary.
Platelet-rich plasma can be used as a separate treatment or as a supplement to other skin treatment methods. Tests have shown, the combined used of PRP and laser therapy to provide excellent and very noticeable results, as both methods are known to greatly boost the level of collagen inside the skin.
But the added benefits of injecting with a plasma extracted via a PRP kit do not stop here. Results from fat grafting can be immensely bettered if combined with a PRP treatment. It’s proven the stem cell survival rate, as well as multiplication and differentiation, are increased significantly. The direct result is a higher survival change for grafted fat HA.
PRP pasmolifting is one of the more effective ways to combat the signs of aging. Platelet-Rich Plasma injected back into the patient’s skin can serve as a matrix for the formation of collagen or the regeneration of tissues. This makes PRP procedures effective not only as a cosmetic solution for skin rejuvenation, but also a method of medical treatment of acne scars and skin inflammations.
Application of PRP
The most popular usage for Platelet-Rich Plasma injection treatment is skin rejuvenation and facial PRP care in particular. It’s not surprise – this is one of the most effective methods for stopping and reversing the signs of aging. As opposed to the invasive traditional methods, the plasma extracted with a PRP kit, and subsequently injected back into the patient, is a non-surgical, non-invasive way of treatment, which requires virtually no downtime. As plasma extracted from the patient’s own body is used, this is a very natural solution for anti-age measures, with noticeably high level of effect and no danger of adverse reactions.
Despite its recent (and wide) adoption by the beauty industry, PRP has long existed and been utilized in the medical field. The range of PRP treatment us surprisingly extensive, covering orthopedic medicine, reconstructive surgery implementation and is even used by dentists.
In sport and sport medicine, PRP injection is a proven and effective way for dealing with tension in the muscles, various types of traumas, join pain. Treatment with Platelet-Rich Plasma significantly shortens the injury related downtime of athletes.
PRP can be invaluable for improving the survival rate of stem cells, which are themselves important for collagen production. Recovery from trauma, as well as fighting off inflammation are helped by applying this form of skin treatment.